A meeting of the Executive Board of the Greensboro Bar Association will take place on Tuesday, June 14 in the Self Help Building, 122 N. Elm Street, Suite 820. The meeting will begin promptly at 4:00 PM. At this meeting, the officers and directors in attendance will vote on a proposed annual membership dues increase of $5.00 per member, effective June 2016. The increase, the first in over 12 years, will help offset increased operating and meeting expenses. Members will continue to enjoy the same level of benefits currently provided:
* Reduced fee or no-cost GBA-sponsored seminars;
* 6 dinner/luncheon meetings with programs of interest to members of our profession at no additional cost;
* 18th Judicial District Bar Meeting and dinner at no additional cost;
* BarCARES: A short-term intervention program provided cost-free to member’s immediate family;
* Holiday Party in December;
* Picnic at the Ballpark (Greensboro Grasshoppers) for members and a guest at no additional cost;
* Opportunities to participate in Bar sections – Alternative Dispute Resolution, Business & Transactional Law, Family Law, Real Property, Young Lawyers;
* Opportunity to participate in Bar-sponsored activities, such as Community Service at Potters House or Sussmans Park, Friends of Jones School, CLE.
Membership Categories and Proposed Dues Rate:
Sustaining Member – $165
Regular Member – $130
Licensed less than 3 yrs. – $85
Senior (over age 70) – no charge