Young Lawyers Section: Connections

Hillary Kies is President of the Greensboro Bar Association’s Young Lawyers Section and is an attorney with Turning Point Litigation.
The Young Lawyers Section is excited to kick off the 2020-2021 year!
Swearing-In Ceremony
YLS is planning to hold a Fall Swearing-In Ceremony in early October 2020, although it may look different as we adapt the program due to COVID-19. The date of the Swearing-In Ceremony will be announced when it is confirmed. As always, we encourage all members of the GBA to join us and support our newly licensed attorneys! If you are a newly licensed attorney, or if you know a newly licensed attorney, please e-mail Nicole Scallon at to receive the application materials that will become available in September.
In connection with the Swearing-In Ceremony, YLS is hoping to offer a short virtual discussion for new lawyers and other attorneys to learn about important locations within the federal and state courthouses. If you would be interested in attending this virtual event, please e-mail Hillary Kies at Hillary Kies is President of the Greensboro Bar Association’s Young Lawyers Section and is an attorney with Turning Point Litigation.
Connect with Us
Do you have ideas for future YLS events, service projects, and/or socially distant activities? Please let us know by e-mailing Hillary Kies at to share your ideas.
Do you want more information about upcoming YLS events or to find out how you can get involved? Check out our website at Also follow us on Facebook (Greensboro Bar Association’s Young Lawyers Section). E-mail Hillary Kies at to get on our email list. We look forward to connecting with you!