Young Lawyers Section: Connections

Elizabeth Robertson, is President of the Greensboro Bar Association’s Young Lawyers Section and Personal Injury Litigation Attorney at CR Legal Team, LLP
An Update from YLS
On November 14, 2023, the YLS hosted a bowling night at AMF Bowling for our first “social event” of the year. YLS members enjoyed connecting with each other over pizza and friendly competition.
In December, the YLS looks forward to hosting a table at the GBA Holiday Party on December 6, 2023, at Elon Law School. YLS members, we welcome you to join us at our table for holiday fun! YLS will also be collecting socks, hats, and gloves for children of all ages (baby/toddler to high school age) for Backpack Beginnings at the holiday party! ‘Tis the season of giving and the YLS looks forward to supporting our community members in need through these donations.
Happy Holidays from the Young Lawyers Section!
YLS Member Spotlight: Tyler Nullmeyer, President Elect
Tyler practices civil litigation at Turning Point Litigation. His firm practices at both the trial and appellate levels, and regularly appears in both state and federal court. They represent a broad array of clients, including corporations, individuals, and municipalities, as both plaintiffs and defendants, in complex civil litigation.
Tyler joined the YLS board in the summer of 2020. He states, “It was a challenging time to maintain community, and I thought joining the board would allow me to become more meaningfully involved in the local legal community. YLS has offered me many opportunities to be involved in local service, social, and legal events. Most importantly, YLS has provided a platform through which to develop lasting relationships with other local attorneys. I would encourage all eligible attorneys to consider attending future YLS events.”
Connect with YLS:
To provide feedback & suggestions for future events/programming, please email the Young Lawyers Section at
The Young Lawyers Section would like to celebrate the personal milestones and professional accomplishments of its members. Email YLS at to share achievements that you would like celebrated on the YLS Facebook page.