Young Lawyers Section: Connections

Tyler Nullmeyer, is President of the Greensboro Bar Association’s Young Lawyers Section and Associate Attorney at Turning Point Litigation.
An Update from YLS
In January, YLS hosted a lunch event at Liberty Oak for its members. It was a great turnout, and we enjoyed connecting with several of our members! We have several exciting upcoming events, including a lunch and learn event and networking event in February. We are also excited for our upcoming spring kickball season, which will begin in March. If you are eligible for YLS and do not currently receive our emails, please email to be added to our email list! Our email list is the best way to receive information about upcoming YLS events.
Upcoming YLS Events:
At 12:30 PM, on Thursday, February 13, 2025, YLS will be partnering with the GBA mentorship committee to hold a lunch and learn event at Elon School of Law! Judge Teresa Vincent will be speaking about civility and the importance of mentorship in the legal profession. Lunch will be provided. If you would like to attend, please email to RSVP. This event is open to all GBA members.
At 5:30 PM, on Thursday, February 27, 2025, YLS will be hosting a networking event at Abbey Taphouse! All YLS members and their families are invited! Drinks and snacks will be provided. To RSVP, please email
From 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM, on Tuesday, March 4, 2025, YLS will be partnering with Hunter Elementary School for Read Across America Day! We are asking for volunteers to cover one-hour shifts reading to the students. We welcome all GBA members to volunteer for this event. If you would like to volunteer, please email
At 2:30 PM, on Tuesday, April 1, 2025, YLS will be holding a volunteer service event at Backpack Beginnings in Greensboro. If you would like to participate, please email
For more information about YLS events & service opportunities, follow us on Facebook (Greensboro Bar Association’s Young Lawyers Section) or email us to be added to our email list (
YLS Member Spotlight: Elizabeth Robertson, Immediate Past President
Elizabeth practices personal injury litigation at CR Legal Team, LLP in Greensboro. Elizabeth’s favorite part of her job is getting to know her clients and helping ease the stress and discomfort they often experience from navigating the legal system. When asked why she chose to be a YLS board member, Elizabeth stated “I chose to become a YLS board member because I loved the GBA and wanted to find a way to become more involved and develop connections with attorneys that were similarly situated in the Greensboro community.”
When asked to identify something she is proud of, Elizabeth responded that she is the first in her family to graduate from college. Her advice for new attorneys is to sit with a different attorney at every GBA meeting, which helps “develop invaluable networking skills and a vast, experienced network quickly.”
For more information about Elizabeth and her law firm, visit
New YLS Email Address
YLS has a new email address, YLS is taking this moment to update its email list. YLS is a free GBA section for attorneys of any age who have been practicing for 5 or less years, or attorneys 40 years of age or younger. If you satisfy one or both of these criteria and would like to be included on emails about upcoming events, please email We look forward to connecting with all YLS eligible members of GBA!
Connect with YLS:
To provide feedback & suggestions for future events/programming, please email the Young Lawyers Section at For more information about YLS events & service opportunities, follow us on Facebook: Greensboro Bar Association’s Young Lawyers Section.
The Young Lawyers Section would like to celebrate the personal milestones and professional accomplishments of its members. Email YLS at to share achievements that you would like celebrated.