Young Lawyers Section: Connections

Elizabeth Robertson, is President of the Greensboro Bar Association’s Young Lawyers Section and Personal Injury Litigation Attorney at CR Legal Team, LLP
An Update from YLS
In December, YLS hosted a table at the GBA Holiday Party on December 6, 2023, at Elon Law School, featuring a “make your own holiday trail mix” station. At the event, YLS collected over 60 items (socks, hats, and gloves) for school-aged children to benefit Backpack Beginnings, an organization whose mission is to deliver child-centric services to feed, comfort, and clothe children in need. In the spirit of giving, YLS also delivered a box of school supplies to Hunter Elementary School that were donated by YLS members.
YLS Kickball Team Torts Illustrated is recruiting for the 2024 season! Please email Elizabeth at for more information!
Upcoming YLS Events:
In February, YLS hopes to partner with the Mentorship Committee to host a Mentorship Lunch and Learn. Stay tuned for details!
In March, YLS looks forward to YLS Service Week, March 4-8, 2024, comprised of several service events, including: celebrating Read Across America at Hunter Elementary School by reading to students, donating/serving a meal at Greensboro Urban Ministries, and raising funds for Hunter Elementary School.
For more information about YLS events & service opportunities, follow us on Facebook: Greensboro Bar Association’s Young Lawyers Section.
Connect with YLS:
To provide feedback & suggestions for future events/programming, please email the Young Lawyers Section at
The Young Lawyers Section would like to celebrate the personal milestones and professional accomplishments of its members. Email YLS at to share achievements that you would like celebrated on the YLS Facebook page.