Young Lawyers Section: Connections

Elizabeth Robertson, is President of the Greensboro Bar Association’s Young Lawyers Section and Personal Injury Litigation Attorney at CR Legal Team, LLP
An Update from YLS
The month of February was exciting and busy for YLS! On Friday, February 16, 2024, YLS partnered with the Mentorship Committee to host “The Art of Mentorship” with Guest Speaker Keith Kannenberg of The Kannenberg Institute, featuring special guest Lee Rouson: a former running back in the NFL, two time Superbowl Champion with the New York Giants, and Greensboro native. Rouson shared his perspective as it relates to the importance of mentorship and Kannenberg led an interactive segment with over 20 GBA members in attendance about the art of mentorship.
YLS Promotes First Annual YLS Service Week!
YLS invites ALL GBA MEMBERS to join us in a week of service March 5-8, 2024. Participants are welcome to participate in the following
service opportunities:
March 5 “Read Across America Day” at Hunter Elementary School. Sign up for one hour shift(s) reading to students at Hunter Elementary School
March 7 Cooking & serving a meal at Greensboro Urban Ministries
March 8 Philanthropy Friday: YLS raising funds for the benefit of Hunter Elementary. To donate, click Here.
To sign up for one or more of the service events above, please email and/or We look forward to serving alongside you!
Upcoming YLS Events:
In March, YLS looks forward to YLS Service Week, March 4-8, 2024, comprised of several service events outlined above.
In April, YLS will be volunteering at Backpack Beginnings on April 11, 2024, from 2:30-4:30 PM. Please email to sign up!
For more information about YLS events & service opportunities, follow us on Facebook: Greensboro Bar Association’s Young Lawyers Section.
YLS Board Member Spotlight: Hillary Kies
Hillary Kies practices Civil Litigation at Turning Point Litigation here in Greensboro. Hillary’s favorite part about her job is that she’s always learning something new due to the varied nature of her practice. When asked about her involvement in GBA and YLS she stated: “I became involved in YLS as soon as I came to Greensboro to get to know other lawyers in town. After a few years I joined the Board to help other lawyers make those same type of connections. I am also a chair of the GBA Mentorship Committee that connects lawyers of different experience levels.”
For more information about Hillary and her firm, visit
Connect with YLS:
To provide feedback & suggestions for future events/programming, please email the Young Lawyers Section at
The Young Lawyers Section would like to celebrate the personal milestones and professional accomplishments of its members. Email YLS at to share achievements that you would like celebrated on the YLS Facebook page.